Letter from Carlile P. Patterson to Benjamin Peirce
(Washington, 21.04.1877)

Spanish translation & annotations

(2 enclosures)

U. S. Coast Survey Office
Washington, April 21 1877


Dear Sir,

Herewith I forward two papers by Assistant Chas. S. Peirce: one in french relating to the pendulum to be forwarded to Prof. Plantamour at Geneva, and the other suggesting "the wave length of some line in the solar spectrum as a standard of length".

I have submitted the matter to Mr. Rutherfurd, and his opinion as to its practicability and ultimate success is favorable. He is willing with Assistant Peirce's aid to undertake the necessary experiments, having peculiar facilities for the purpose, and having actually produced the finest gitter and diffraction plates yet made.

Will you please carefully consider



these papers and return them to me with your criticisms and opinions?

Yours very truly,

C. P. Patterson
Supt. U.S. Coast Survey

Prof. Benjamin Peirce
Consulting Geometer
U.S. Coast Survey



Transcription by Izaskun Martínez (2017)
Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores transcripciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es
Proyecto de investigación "La correspondencia del tercer viaje europeo de Charles S. Peirce (septiembre-noviembre 1877)"

Fecha del documento: 28 de septiembre 2017
Última actualización: 12 de noviembre 2020

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