Letter from Charles S. Peirce to Julius E. Hilgard
(New York, 30.04.1883)

Spanish translation & annotations


109 E 15th St.

New York,
April 30, 1883


My dear Sir,     

I shall this day send to you my report upon gravity in Allegheny, Ebensburgh, York. I was unable to get any more written & what I have done is somewhat hastily executed & stands in need of my revision. I send it in a box with other papers which would be useful to Preston if he revises the proofs.


I was very much surprised at your saying there was no understanding about Hall. He has a wife in a delicate condition and it would be most cruel to send him off. Doubly so, because we should only be cutting our own noses off at the same time. It will be a great blow to the efficiency of my party for some time. I left him a quantity of copying to do and hoped you would keep him for one month at that. The paper I send on to

you ought not to go to the printers without being copied as if lost I have no other copy. He is most accurate in such work as he is faithful in everything that is given him to do. I enclose a piece of a letter from him in order that you may see his handwriting and style.

I shall get off my April vouchers today. But whether I shall be able to sail of Wednesday depends on whether


you have written the desired letter to Morton, Bliss and Co. or not. I could not find Morgan. They have not heard of him at Young’s Hotel.

Yours very truly,

C. S. Peirce


Transcription by Sara Barrena (2019)
Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores traducciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es
Proyecto de investigación "The Cosmopolitan Peirce: Cartas de C. S. Peirce en su quinto viaje europeo (2 de mayo-18 de septiembre 1883)"

Fecha del documento: 28 de abril 2019
Última actualización: 15 de mayo 2019

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