Letter from Charles S. Peirce to Carlile P. Patterson
(Baltimore, 10.04.1880)

Spanish translation & annotations


Explanation of Estimates for Gravitation Party 1880-81
Baltimore April 10, 1880

Mr. C. P. Patterson
Superintendent U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey,
Washington D. C.


In explanation of the estimates enclosed herewith, I beg to state that the somewhat large amount charged for instruments is due 1st to my being abroad; 2nd to a desire to construct at least a model of Faye's proposed instrument, and to experiments on an improved method of recording times of passage of the pendulum. The estimates present a considerable reduction on those of this year but if I can have this year's amount it could certainly be well expended.

Yours respectufully,

C. S. Peirce


Explanation of Estimates for Gravitation Party 1880-81
Baltimore April 10, 1880

Mr. C. P. Patterson
Superintendent U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
Washington D. C.


In explanation of the approved estimates for the current year, I beg to state that on March 31st, there remained unexpended the sum of $1710, being $200 less than 1/4 of the amount approved. The current month must in any case be and expensive one, owing to heavy transportation bills etc. and must give expenses of $650 independent of those incidental to the European expedition. There will then be Mr. Farquhar's salary for two months to subtract. For the expedition abroad, we shall require additional expenses in transporting instruments, the travelling expenses, and contingencies. On the other hand, there will be some savings on the minor salaries. One month might be allowed to pass without any copyist, that person to be

replaced by a recorder.

April expenses    
   Usual $650  
   Travelling, etc. 200  
   Transport, etc. 150 1000
May Expenses    
   Farquhar's pay 105  
   Subsistence 10 days 30  
   Travelling exclusive hotels 60  
   Travelling hotels 20 days           100  
   Artisan 1/2 month 20 315
June expenses    
   Farquhar's pay 105  
   Travelling without hotels 60  
   " hotels 150  
   Artisan 40  
   Recorder 60 415
  ___________________ ________
  Total 1730

In the attached estimate I have reckoned a little differently to cover possibilities. But the above is what I really estimate.


C. S. Peirce



Transcription by Sara Barrena (2018)
Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores transcripciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es
Proyecto de investigación "The Cosmopolitan Peirce: Cartas de C. S. Peirce en su cuarto viaje europeo (abril-agosto 1880)"

Fecha del documento: 8 de mayo 2018
Última actualización: 20 de septiembre 2018

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