Letter from Arthur Searle to Charles S. Peirce
(Cambridge, 06.06.1876)

Spanish translation & annotations

June 6, 76

Dear Sir,

The difficulty with regard to the money received by the Observatory from the Bache Fund, which I mentioned in my letter to you of last August, has just been removed, and there is now nothing to hinder the appearance of the new publications of the Observatory. Your "Photometric Researches" will form Part I of Volume IX of the Annals of the Observatory, and will be paid for from the Sturgis Fund.

I enclose with this a sample of the double title-page of Vol. IV, Part I, which was printed from the Sturgis Fund. I presume that the precedent thus set is now to be followed as was done in the case of Vol. V, also a Sturgis publication. In Vol. VII the double title page was not used, perhaps because no name but that of Prof. W. C. Bond was required in the title. The Sturgis Fund was given simply for the publication of the "transactions" of the Observatory, (instead of "the astronomical observations of the principal lesson," in the terms of the Quincy donation) and usage does not seem to require any mention of the Director in the title-page of a Sturgis publication.

I also enclose a list of about two hundred institutions and forums to whom the Annals of the Observatory are sent. I take the list pretty much as I find it, but I presume it requires some alteration, especially in the way of additions. You will of course use your own discretion in distributing your work in the name of



the Observatory among persons whose names are not now on our list, but should be. You would confer a favor on the Observatory by informing us what names you think should be added, with regard to the distribution of the other new volumes of the Annals, as well as of your own work. Vol. VIII, Part I, is to contain the history of the Observatory since 1855, with descriptions and figures of the new instruments; Part II contains meridian circle observations. It is prepared to print an edition of the Astronomical Engravings as the second part of Vol. IX. The editions will be small, in order to save funds for future volumes; still, they should be larger enough to allow of a proper distribution.

Perhaps the copies of your work meant for distribution in the United States may be most conveniently distributed from the Observatory; if you think so, please send them. In any case, the Observatory should have from fifty to one hundred copies for future distribution or sale. I presume that store will still be left some copies for sale by Mr. Engelmann, if he still wishes to have them.

The figure of the photometer which I enclose is now made under Professor Winlock's direction. There is also a figure, without lettering, of the photometric observatory. Do you wish the figures to appear in your memoir, or [il.] the other figures of instruments in Vol. VIII, Part I?

Yours respectufully

Arthur Searle,
Assistant in charge of Observatory

C. S. Peirce, Esq.

Care of Messrs. McCulloch & Co, 41 Lombard Street, London




Transcription by Max Fisch, revised by Sara Barrena (2014)
Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores transcripciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es
Proyecto de investigación "Charles S. Peirce en Europa (1875-76): comunidad científica y correspondencia" (MCI: FFI2011-24340)

Fecha del documento: 19 de junio 2014
Última actualización: 22 de agosto 2014

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