Letter from Carlile P. Patterson to Benjamin Peirce
(Washington, 14.06.1877)

Spanish translation & annotations


U. S. Coast Survey Office
Washington, June 14 1877

My Dear Chief,

That boy Charley of yours "worritted" me much and I want you to —well— scold him. Enclosed is a note received from him two days since which you notice is marked "confidential". With 3 or 4 years of preparatory work on the Pendulum and its system not yet perfected, what shall I do if he quits! He is getting well through the "experimental age" with much greater than




ordinary success and all will be lost if he leaves. At his suggestion, under the impression he was perseverant, I have arranged with Rutherfurd to conduct the necessary experiments to build up a "spectral metre" for a wave length, expecting Charley to be chief of that party and adjunct in the work.

I cannot reconcile myself to the thought of his going for I lean on him greatly and yet I can


fully appreciate and commend the feeling & sense of duty to himself to endeavor to better his position pecuniarily— If he abandons science just as he has opened the door of its temple! I wish the C. S. were rich enough to outbid the "adversary". What does he mean? Possibly he has not written you & may not wish a discussion until he tells more. I have written him earnestly but, of course


think first it my duty to further his interests in whatever direction he may think they lie at whatever loss or inconvenience it may be to me. I trust sincerely he is not chasing a temporary & false light.

C. P. Patterson

Prof Benjamin Peirce
Cambridge, Mass.


Transcription by Joseph Brent
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Proyecto de investigación "La correspondencia del tercer viaje europeo de Charles S. Peirce (septiembre-noviembre 1877)"

Fecha del documento: 2 de agosto 2017
Última actualización: 13 de octubre 2020

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