Letter from Charles S. Peirce to his mother Sarah Mills Peirce
(Steamer Suevia, 14.09.1877)

Spanish translation & annotations


Sep 14. 1877

My dearest mother,

So far my voyage has been delightful. The steamer is beautiful, I have plenty of room, there are only five first cabin passengers in all, and the weather has been perfect except that it is a little too warm. Last night the steamer seemed to be infested with mosquitoes of which I killed some twenty in my room this morning but I hope they have gone now. One of the great things about this line is the eating which is really delicious &


most appetizing. I wonder at the German cooking being as good as it is. They are an overrated people intellectually; their science & philosophy & literature tell the same story of dullness. Their strength is in a very strong & honest emotional nature, naïve, rather sensuous, entirely single-minded. They are total failures in painting and architecture, indifferent in sculpture and poetry, full of originality depth & Gemuth? in music and cookery. Their cookery hasn't the grace nor the aimiable gayety of the French, but it has an emo-

tional richness all its own. We have five meals a day on board. I haven't counted the courses but should not venture to rate the average number per meal above twenty so that I have as yet not renewed my acquaintance with above a hundred of my favorite German dishes. I may mention however the morning cup of bouillon, pickled beets, potato salad of the very best, string beans, peas, (two things never tasted in America except in a wretched parody of the real things), boiled potatoes —which I haven't seen good for many a long day— the same yellow


(don't think I mean sweet potatoes) fish with clear sauce, roast duck with compote, German salad of lettuce, the same of cucumber, ragout of lamb, German beef steak, sausages, (no sauer kolh yet I regret to say), frische hering, pumpernickel, torte of various kinds, etc., etc., etc.

So far the postholes open & no smells about the ship. Not one whiff of oily steam yet. Everything as clean as a pin.

I have tried awfully hard to work over my logic but with no great success so far. I have done a little computation but am too hot for logic I fear. If this weather only continues I shall make a great effort tomorrow. Love to Father & all. Your loving,





Transcriptio by Max Fisch, revised by Sara Barrena (2017)
Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores transcripciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es
Proyecto de investigación "La correspondencia del tercer viaje europeo de Charles S. Peirce (septiembre-noviembre 1877)"

Fecha del documento: 22 de diciembre 2017
Última actualización: 19 de septiembre 2022

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