Letter from Charles S. Peirce to Carlile P. Patterson
(New York, 20.06.1877)

Spanish translation & annotations


New York 1877 June 20

C. P. Patterson Esq.
Supt. U. S. Coast Survey
Washington D. C.

Dear sir,

I regret to find that in my previous estimate of the amounts payable this year, I had forgotten several bills which I had already paid which aggregate some $150. I now send a schedule of my June accounts, which must be very nearly correct, in which I have inserted nothing which by any construction could be considered an account of my own personally. The total amounts to $ 779.71, being 423.79 in excess of the amount allowed me. I have omitted a bill for some stationery, etc. which I have ordered, as neither the things nor the bills have yet been received.

The bills marked with a star have actually been paid (less $5 in one case), & adding $25 for other amounts paid out, we have $278.63 paid by me. In addition to that I have deposited $40 in Berlin to pay bills with



and there was a double payment to Breguet of $85 each (owing to his drawing & my transmitting nearly simultaneously) and I have left the amount in his hands for convenience, in future. I have thus paid out in one way & another for the Coast Survey some $400 in excess of vouchers sent in. The balance against me on Dr. Porter’s books is $270. In order to meet all demands up to the end of June including my pay, I shall need about $750, as follows:

June abstract  $779.71

"         pay       239.17


Balance against me    272.25

Amount needed          746.63

Dr. Porter desires me to omit from the abstract and pay separately those bills for which vouchers cannot be had without delay. However this may be arranged, the same amount will be needed.

Yours very respectfully

C. S. Peirce


C. S. Peirce's abstract for June 1877


CSP subsistence 90
E. Smith           " 45
H. Farquhar services 90
A. Johannson           " 45
A. Johannson transportation 12.50
Worcester bros. Storage 19 mos 76
"                                  "                 " 30 (precise unit not known)
Mayer & Muller books 30 (bill not yet received)
Westermann           " 28.80
Engelmann           " 10 (bill not at hand)
Erb carpentry 73.88
Stevens Institute, instruments, etc. 51.33
Wm Grunnow           " 27
May           " 12
Bond           " 6
Actien Gesellschaft           " 42
Société de Physique           " 37.50
Royal Society           " 27.75
Tillitson           " 4.75
CSP contingencies 35.00
Smith           " 5.00


Transcription by Sara Barrena (2017)
Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores transcripciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es
Proyecto de investigación "La correspondencia del tercer viaje europeo de Charles S. Peirce (septiembre-noviembre 1877)"

Fecha del documento: 16 de febrero 2017
Última actualización: 17 de agosto 2017

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