Letter from Charles S. Peirce to Carlile P. Patterson
(New York, 08.09.1877)

Spanish translation & annotations


New York, 1877 Sep. 8


My dear Sir,

I send you herewith the remainder of my account of the paper which has already been forwarded to the International Geodetical Union. I have made it somewhat more detailed that in the original memoir, but if the latter, which has already been sent, is not in sufficient detail, all the more reason


why I should be there to answer questions.

I regret that it is out of my power now to get an exact copy of the memoir to you but I have only one & don't venture to risk it in the mail. In fact, mine is not complete.

I do think that it is a matter of great consequence that I should go. If I had gone a little earlier I should

have been back before the congressmen had got to the Coast Survey item & even now I think no one will know of my being gone until all is settled.

I think it of great consequence that I should be at Stuttgart and I strongly hope I shall be.

Yours very truly and respectfully,

C. S. Peirce


C. P. Patterson Esq.

Supt. U. S. Coast Survey


Did you see the paragraph in the Sun to the effect that we ought to be represented at Stuttgart? I am told there was one. How it got there I can't conceive.


Transcription by Sara Barrena (2017)
Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores transcripciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es
Proyecto de investigación "La correspondencia del tercer viaje europeo de Charles S. Peirce (septiembre-noviembre 1877)"

Fecha del documento: 16 de octubre 2017
Última actualización: 19 de septiembre 2022

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