Letter of Charles S. Peirce to his Brother James Mills Peirce
(Pest, 25.08.1870)



Spanish translation & annotations

Pest. 1870 Aug 25

Dear Jem. Your letter has influenced me to delay for just a week my trip to Greece. Constantinople is said to be one of the healthiest places on the Mediterranean. Its September isothermal passes through Milan & there is always a good breeze from the Black Sea. I think myself that to go into Greece is not entirely safe but I shall reduce my stay there to a minimum. I cannot well avoid going there & if as is not after all probable I get the fever why I shall not for my own sake care at all & I should be no great loss socially. You will have done what you could to keep me away, but it is quite absurd to be made unhappy by the regular & normal course of human events. If I should never come back I trust my friends will remember that the less they care for it the more they conform to my ideas. I don’t believe that by the time I get to Rome there will seriously be danger if I have a room at the top of my hotel & avoid


the sun & the night air & I shall not mind a danger which seems to me infinitesimal. In Greece I shall perhaps take Quinine & if the present cool weather continues shall be safe enough. You needn’t suppose that the idea of these risks is a new one to me at all. I had already turned the matter over in my mind before I decided to sail.

Pest is a rather pleasant place to stay though I think I am not probably at the best hotel. However the one I am at is very delightful & I shall much regret in leaving here to have the last vestige of Germany behind me. And what I shall do when I have to depend on French I really don’t know. I shall be a dummy then, a dumb beast. There is a very nice gallery of pictures here. But it is slow, very slow; that is what I enjoy. But the wines are villainous. Yes the Ofener Adelsberger at Vienna is infinitely better than I can find it here. I regret to be so very brief but I must now pack & I will write again from Constantinople. Thanks for your letters.

C. S. P.


Transcription by Sara Barrena (2008)

Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores transcripciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es

Proyecto de investigación "La correspondencia europea de C. S. Peirce: creatividad y ccooperación científica (Universidad de Navarra 2007-09)

Fecha del documento: 6 de febrero 2008
Última actualización:
14 de septiembre 2017
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