Letter from Charles S. Peirce to his mother Sarah Mills
(New York, 24.03.1877)

Spanish translation & annotations


New York, Saturday 1877 March 24


My dearest Mother,

I am sorry you should hear so seldom from me at home, but the truth is that, living as I do, my thoughts are pretty exclusively concentrated about matters none of which are worth talking about. I get up in the morning about 8 o'clock and take my coffee and read the paper. At 9 Farquhar comes and I attend to his work till 9 ½ when my other assistant Mr. Smith comes. I then go over to Hoboken with Smith


and August. It is a journey of 6 miles over there. I have first to go ½ a mile up to 59th Street, where I take the horse car and go to 9th Avenue. There I take the Elevated steam railway & go down to West Eleventh Street, about 2 ½ miles, then there is a walk or ride of ½ a mile to the ferry; across the ferry is a mile and there is nearly half a mile from the ferry to the Stevens Institute. That only adds up to 5 miles, but it is more. It takes rather more than an hour to get over there. I tried for a while having a room there but that won't do unless I give up my room here, which I suppose I shall do. I lunch at the Duke's and usually do not leave


Hoboken till nearly 6 o'clock when I come over to New York generally & dine at a restaurant for 75 cts to a dollar & then I come to my room & have a lot of business to attend to. Thus, you see, I have little time to think of matters worth putting in a letter, for all the way over to Hoboken & back, I make calculations about the work.

I am writing a paper for the Popular Science Monthly but it is not complete yet. I think when I have done one, I can write others more rapidly. I received the other day a letter from Mr. Plantamour who has been appointed to make a report on the pendulum to the International Geodetical Association, & he desires that I shall write & send to the President for publication an ac-


count of my researches on the flexure of the stand, by doing which he says I shall be rendering a "signal service to other observers."

In a month, I am going to let down my CS work very much & devote myself chiefly to earning money for a while so as to pay up my debts. Professor Mayer says he earned in one year by writing, $4000! If I can only hit the popular key, I dare say I might do something in that way. But he is very clever.

I went to a whist club in Hoboken a few nights ago at the house of the agent of the Veuve Cliquot. I arrived rather early & the family were at dinner. Three bottles of the widow graced the board.

I was very anxious about you for some days but Jem's judicious & kind letters prevented all serious alarm. I wish I could see you, dearest mother.

Love to Helen & to all


Your loving son


Transcription by Max Fisch, revised by Sara Barrena (2016)
Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores transcripciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es
Proyecto de investigación "La correspondencia del tercer viaje europeo de Charles S. Peirce (septiembre-noviembre 1877)" (PIUNA 2016-2018)

Fecha del documento: 30 de noviembre 2016
Última actualización: 17 de agosto 2017
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