Letter from Benjamin Peirce to Carlile P. Patterson
(Cambridge, 05.02.1876)

Spanish translation & annotations
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Cambridge, 5 February 1876


My Dear Chief,

I am greatly pleased with Charlie's programme, as you may be convinced when I tell you that it has already led me to reexamine my discussion of the news of the "Communication of Vibrations" -and I have come upon some new and curious results. I should not be surprised if those results have a bearing upon the theory of the secular perturbations of the planetary orbits —but it will at any rate require examination— not


as the result will be of any practical value but it will may be a curious reversal of some? Laplace's theoretical results. In regard to the theory of the swing[?] I would suggest to change the tittle to "On the motion of a pendulum when the swing suspension has a given forced motion". I will try to complete this portion of the subject. In all other respects Charlie's programme seems to me unexceptionable. But at any rate, it will be easy to make any


secondary changes which may suggest themselves in the course of the discussion.

What are the rumors to which you refer? Or at least what is their general character? Are they indicative of hostility? Whence? And How?

You ever sincere friend

Benjamin Peirce

PS: I'm going to New York on 17th to return home on 20th inst. I shall be present at a dinner of the Harvard Club of NY


given at Delmonico's on the evening of the 18th -I wish that Newcomb would unite me about the conditions which he made to our president. Perhaps Hilgard can obtain them. But do not ask him because his loyalty has become in the hard degree doubtful.

B. P.



Transcription by Sara Barrena and Jaime Nubiola (2016)
Una de las ventajas de los textos en formato electrónico respecto de los textos impresos es que pueden corregirse con gran facilidad mediante la colaboración activa de los lectores que adviertan erratas, errores o simplemente mejores transcripciones. En este sentido agradeceríamos que se enviaran todas las sugerencias y correcciones a sbarrena@unav.es
Proyecto de investigación "The Cosmopolitan Peirce (1870-1883)"

Fecha del documento: 10 de marzo 2016
Última actualización: 12 de noviembre 2020

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